the best morning


Often times Oaklen wakes up early in the morning and crawls in bed with us to sleep a little while longer. Lately he's been waking up when Straton goes to work and promptly comes in to wake me up. It's usually to ask me for dinner (breakfast. He labels every meal as dinner) and he'll whine and complain until he can drag me out of bed.

Yesterday he woke me up and I swear, it was something straight out of a fairytale book. Rainbows and unicorns were flying around my room. It was special, you guys. I woke up to his hands constantly cupping and stroking my face while he repeatedly called me his sweetyheart. "Wake up sweetyheart! Oh sweetyheart, it's time to get up!" And this was also going on while he kissed my forehead and cheeks. After opening and then closing my eyes, he said "oh hunny, I know you want to sleep but that's a problem. Come on, let's go have some dinner". I opened my eyes again, trying so hard not to laugh and he said "there you are, sweetyheart!".
Then he flipped my hand over and started slowly tickling my palm and fingers, just like his daddy does to him. Then he kissed each finger, snuggled me, called me sweetyheart a few more times and then I forced myself out of bed. It was the sweetest moment I think I've had with him yet. I'm telling you, this boy is made to love. He is the sweetest, most caring child. I wish everyone could start their days just like that.

He's a sweetyheart, that little boy.

1 comment:

  1. I loved reading this post! It's obvious that this little boy has been loved just the way he's showing it to you.
